
4C is an organizing platform that bridges across sectors and scales to catalyze and advance equitable climate solutions throughout the Central Coast.

We believe. . .

  • Climate change is the greatest threat to the wellbeing of humanity and all living beings.
  • Economic and racial disparities predispose some communities to experience a disproportionate share of the direct and indirect impacts of climate change.
  • We are in this together. We face common problems, challenges, and opportunities. We depend on one another as a region and our approaches to building resilience must therefore span issues, sectors, and geographies.
  • Our greatest opportunity is the diversity of the Central Coast people, cultures, economy, and geography.
  • We do our best work through partnership and collaboration across organizations, communities, and issues.
  • Transparency and the sharing of information and perspectives are essential to effective collaboration.
  • While acknowledging the urgency of the climate crisis, we must work together at the speed of trust to overcome barriers and create new support systems.
  • In the long run, the only viable solutions for society are just and equitable solutions.

4C’s core role is to center justice and equity as we convene and connect across sectors to advance climate solutions and build the resilience capacity of the Central Coast.

We are hiring a 4C Network Manager! Please submit a RFP by June 3rd to centralcoastclimate@gmail.com.

Learn about our 2021-2023 Strategic Vision here!

Learn more about our 2022-2023 Steering Committee members with our Steering Committee Testimony Video created by our previous CivicSpark Fellow Julian Nesbitt.

Stay up to date on the Central Coast Climate news and events by joining our newsletter list serve! Sign up here